Saturday, January 2, 2010

Case files

It was my hope to convey a sense of what the 1940's would feel like. I chose to give the perspective of a detective. Alone and mysterious, awaiting love, a stab in the back...or both? It was a great era!

Prehistoric invertabrate fossils

These studies were done over the summer, and involved precise observation for a scientific journal. They're about 250- 350 million years old. Wicked!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Character concept

These were based on life models. The naturally serene and peaceful poses of the model led me toward creating native Indian characters.

Caravel model

These 3D models were constructed in 3DS Max, i still need to place the textures on. I'm happy with its progress thus far.

Fable xbox game cover

All aboard

Self portrait